Pirate and Mermaid Parties

Party with your favorite swashbuckling pirate, Captain Jack. He’s fun for all ages with his witty banter, his sword wielding skills, and his incredible luck when getting out of hairy situations. He’s a real charmer… once you get to know him. He’ll tell you all about his adventures on the Black Pearl and show you a few magic tricks he used to evade anyone who tried to stand in his way. Consider, too, a few of his mermaid friends to help spruce up the party. They’ll facepaint and sing as well as perform some elegant magic tricks that will have you caught in a trance. Book today using the link below.

CaptJackKV Pirate and Mermaid Parties
GlamMermaid2018 Pirate and Mermaid Parties
SwimmingMermaids2018 2 Pirate and Mermaid Parties

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