Our floral and festive Isabela is a perfect addition to your next celebration! She arrives and begins with a spotlight moment for the birthday child. She crowns the birthday child as the “birthday royalty” of the day! Our Isabela will then create sparkling and stunning face paint designs for any guest who would like one. She will also sing from her film, as well as provide ribbon wands for each guest to use, borrow, and dance with during her time at the event! Our Isabela is sure to impress everyone with her magical capabilities as well. She will take tons of photos with all of her new friends, as well as sign and hand out her collectible autograph cards. Our Isabela loves attending events by herself, or with any of her family members like our Mirabel, Burno, Dolores, or Tia Pepa! Our Isabela is confident and warmhearted. Don’t wait, book now!