Your next celebration will be out of this galaxy when our Leia is in attendance! Our Leia begins with the Galactic Knight Academy, showing guests what some of her Jedi training through the years has looked like. She will then put everyone through light sword training as well! Our Leia will provide light swords for everyone to use, borrow, and practice with during her time at the event. She will guide guests through exercises such as hand-eye coordination, as well as trust exercises. Young padawans are sure to feel noble and skilled upon completion. Our Leia will then hold the Official Knight Academy graduation, and bestow a light sword to the birthday celebrant! She will also demonstrate and impress all with her Knight Mind Trick magic. Our Leia will sign and give out her collectible autograph cards, as well as take photos with all of her new friends. Our Leia is fierce and powerful. Don’t wait, book now!